Sunday, January 30, 2011

An Impressive Display from Mother Nature

I stand corrected. It did snow. And it snowed a fairly impressive amount. I don't know what the official amount was, but I did our own unofficial backyard measure, and check it out:

Nearly 8 inches of snow. Not bad for a day and a half. Shortly after this picture was taken, the kids dressed up in their snow gear and headed into the back yard. It is no longer pristine and untouched, but it is still fresh and clean looking!

Unfortunately, with the snow, has come the cold temperatures again. Last week we were basking in a record high of 13°, and today it was -18° not including the wind chill. It's the wind chill that gets you every time. That doesn't stop two kids, who are excited to get out into the white stuff! They didn't last long, but they had fun while they were out there.

The kids have the day off school tomorrow. I'm going to pack up some Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies, and distribute them to a couple of neighbors. They're too darn good tasting! After a weekend of being somewhat snowed in, I've gotta get 'em outta here! We worked on thank you cards this weekend, the kids and I. [That's right, from Christmas... Yes, we're a little bit on the tardy side. But better late than never right?] Tomorrow we're going to deliver some thank yous and cookies. Imagine how excited the recipients will be!

We're also planning on our first 'video conference' with Ama & Baba, who are as I type, tucked away in a delightfully seasonal part of Arizona... And by seasonal I mean capri pants and flip flops. A light coat for the wind if they need it... Sunscreen.... Margaritas, oh my... We're somewhat jealous when we imagine what your landscape looks like, cactus and all, then look out the window at ours... Eeks... And we continually ask ourselves the question, why do we live here, and where on earth would we go? It's not like we have many choices... Snow and cold, or more snow and even colder... At least we get the chinooks...

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