Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Vacation Photos

We're back in the groove, it's like we never left. How sad is that? It rained most of yesterday and has on and off today. Actually it POURED Monday, from noon until about 3:30 pm. And when I say poured, I mean it POURED. I thought we might see Noah's Ark float by. It's been so darn chilly. It's a bummer to come home from vacation with a decent sun tan, and then watch it fade away as the clouds fill the sky.

On the bright side though, what the rain does do, is eliminate any guilt I have about spending time on the computer. My kiddies play, or watch movies, or generally entertain themselves, thus leaving me time along to 'create'!

I say that, because with this digital course I'm doing, suddenly I feel like a digital diva. I'm having a blast manipulating pictures, and trying new things. I love that there are tutorials that I can watch over and over and over, until I wrap my head around what I'm supposed to be doing. I've always been intrigued with the picture part of digital scrapbooking. Not so much producing digital pages (though I have done a few and they're awesome and quick). I'm just having fun dabbling a bit, and I've sent a bunch of pictures to Costco, so I'm really eager to see what they'll look life in real life.

I put together a collage of our trip. Which was fun to do, because I feel like I'm getting better and better at using Photoshop Elements! There are even some decent pictures of Madelyn! One might not even know that she spent 6 days with her head in a bucket, puking.

Any way, here are a couple pics:

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